Our Approach to After-School Programming and School Day Enrichment

After-School Programming

CUE is dedicated to transforming the way students engage with mathematics through our innovative after-school programming and school day enrichment initiatives. With the combined power of experienced math mentors and ALEKS (Assessment and Learning in Knowledge Spaces), we're nurturing a generation of confident problem solvers and critical thinkers.

Through personalized guidance from our skilled math mentors and the adaptive learning capabilities of ALEKS, students receive tailored instruction that aligns with their individual needs and learning styles.

Key Features of Our After-School Programming:

  • Pitt Math Mentors: Our passionate math mentors bring a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm to each session, fostering a positive and supportive learning environment.
  • ALEKS Adaptive Learning: ALEKS adapts to each student's performance, pinpointing their strengths and areas for improvement. This ensures that students progress at their own pace, building a strong foundation for success.
  • Real-World Application: We believe in connecting math to real life. Our after-school sessions incorporate practical applications of mathematical concepts, showing students how math is a valuable tool in their everyday lives.

School Day Enrichment

Our school day enrichment program mirrors our after-school program while integrating math excellence into the daily curriculum, enhancing classroom learning and providing students with the tools they need to excel.

Benefits of Our School Day Enrichment:

  • Supplemental Learning: Our math mentors collaborate with classroom teachers to facilitate the MathUp Connections program, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience.
  • Individualized Attention: ALEKS tailors exercises and assessments to suit each student's proficiency level, empowering teachers with tools to help students grasp complex ideas and build a strong foundation in math.
  • Confidence Building: As students witness their progress and mastery of mathematical skills in the classroom; their confidence soars, creating a positive cycle of learning and achievement.

If you would like to discuss how we can bring MathUp Connections to your school, please click the link to complete the Interest Form

Our Program Director will be delighted to discuss your school’s needs, answer any questions you have, and guide you through the process. We understand that every school is unique, so will work closely with you to tailor our programs to your students' grade levels, learning objectives, and scheduling preferences.